Tag: testing

  • Try Again: Mercy is Necessary to Learner Safety

    Try Again: Mercy is Necessary to Learner Safety

    “Retesting clearly works, so I give endless chances. If you’re willing to work, there’s always mercy. You can try again.” Craig B. Smith Craig invites students to learn without adding fear to a subject that already creates its own. He recognizes that students who are emotionally distressed—anxious, angry, or depressed—are cognitively impaired and don’t learn…

  • Contemporary Progressive Education with the Human Restoration Project

    Students and teachers are human beings. Schools must bring this to light. The HUMAN RESTORATION PROJECT supports progressive educators in building systematic change within schools. By providing free resources, professional development, and materials, we can form a coalition of like-minded educators who can revolutionize the education system from the ground up. This work doesn’t provide…