Tag: evidence-based

  • Scientism and Epistemic Injustice: On the Problems with “Science of Reading”

    Scientism and Epistemic Injustice: On the Problems with “Science of Reading”

    “Science of Reading” particularly and #ResearchEd more generally, remind many of us in neurodiversity and disability communities of this from Alfie Kohn. The underpinnings of that ideology include: a focus only on observable behaviors that can be quantified, a reduction of wholes to parts, the assumption that everything people do can be explained as a…

  • There Is Little Empirical Basis to Suggest That PBS Is Effective

    Overall, there is insufficient high-quality empirical evidence to suggest that PBS is effective at: enhancing quality of life, teaching adaptive skills, or reducing the use of restrictive practices. The majority of the studies (73.33%) were assessed to be of ‘low’ quality based on a score of <50% on the QATSDD. Whilst there is some ‘high’…